- All guests must be over the age of 18 years old. The entertainers may check ID. If anyone under the age of 18 is present at the entertainment, the entertainment may be stopped with no refund.
- If you are asked if there is a mixed crowd at your event, and you respond untruthfully, upon arrival the Entertainer can refuse to perform and no refund shall be given.
- If there is any Violence at your event or the situation becomes dangerous for the Entertainer, they have the right to leave if they fear for their own safety.
- Videoing & Photographing of the Entertainers is up to the Entertainers Discretion and must be agreed upon when the Entertainer arrives, prior to starting their shift or performance.
- If this happens against the Entertainers will, the Entertainment may be stopped with no refund.
- Lap Dances are performed in Private whereas Shows are performed infront of all the guests in Costume with Music provided by the Performer. If a Performer is interrupted by other guests trying to watch a private lapdance, he/she may stop the lapdance with no refund.
- If the Event Attendees are late to the place that is booked, the Entertainers are not required to work longer. Their shift begins at the same time, no matter when the customers arrive, as they usually have bookings after.
- If the Entertainment is late, they will still work their entire shift, or do their performance, unless an alternate agreement is made between the Entertainer & Customer.
- The Customer must be contactable on the date of the event in case Playful Promotions or the Entertainment needs to contact them. If you have no reception or your phone loses battery – you are required to provide Playful Promotions with an alternate contact number or another means of communication. If there is no way to contact you, the booking may be cancelled with no refund.
- The Customer must provide a correct address for the event or organise to meet the Entertainer at a location that is able to be found to either take them to or direct them to where the event is being held. If the address is incorrect or the location cannot be found on the night of the event, the booking may be cancelled with no refund. If the Entertainer arrives at the address or location given, and for reasons otherwise or including intoxication – the Customer does not meet the Entertainer, or is not there – the booking may be cancelled and there will be no amount refunded as this covers the Entertainers loss of income.
- A booking fee is required to secure the booking. This is done via Bank Deposit, Bank Transfer or Credit/Debit Card Payment, Card Payment incurs a 3% surcharge. If you are unable to pay the Booking Fee/Deposit, we can not guarantee an Entertainer will accept your booking. A receipt can be emailed to you if you provide us with your email address. A screenshot, or proof of the transaction must be supplied to Heart Reef Hunks upon payment stating the amount paid, and that it has been processed.
- If you are not satisfied with the Entertainment – please notify Playful Promotions within 24 hours so that we can deal appropriately with your complaint. Past this time frame, we are limited with what we can do as the Entertainers are Sub-Contractors. If you are not satisfied with the Entertainer upon arrival, we must be notified immediately if you do not want the performance/waitering/waitressing to begin.
- We can’t always guarantee the entertainer you book will be able to perform or attend your booking on the day, if the entertainer booked cancels, we will attempt to replace them with another entertainer. If we cannot replace them on the day – you shall be refunded any booking fee/deposit that you have paid.
- If you have already made a booking and want to change times or locations then there is a $50 administration fee for us to re-book entertainers. In some situations we may not be able to change the booking as the entertainer may be booked out. Normal cancellation fees apply in this situation.
- If you cancel your booking, the booking fee is non-refundable but if a further deposit has been paid, you may be refunded that amount minus a 10% Admin fee. In the event of an event being unable to go ahead due to Government Imposed Restrictions there will be no refund of any deposit, you will receive a credit for the deposit which can then be used for any booking in the next 24 months.
- All refunds will be made using the same method in which payment was made. Card refunds may take up to 30 days to re-appear.
- Any credit/debit card refunds which are after 120 days of the original payment will not have the 3% card fee refunded.
- If you cancel within 24 hours the full amount of the booking will still have to be paid as this covers the Entertainers loss of income.
- Playful Promotions will not be held responsible for any verbal agreements between the Entertainer & Customer in regards to changing services, changing prices or agreeing to refunds. As the Entertainers are Sub-contractors, unless we are contacted directly and take part in the agreements – we are unable to do anything about any complaints or problems thereafter.
- Playful Promotions will not be held responsible for any accidents or incidents that may or may not occur with any of the contractors/ Entertainers booked through Playful Promotions. Playful Promotions is purely a booking agent for the Entertainers. Any accidents or incidents that may or may not occur will be dealt directly with the Entertainer and the Entertainer is responsible. In addition to this, if the Entertainer is assaulted in any way, or their property damaged and the Police are involved, we will provide any information and assistance that the Police may need from us in regards to any contact details we may have, or statements that may need to be made.